The AFA Mission
Use technology to provide and promote an Afrocentric education to Africans worldwide in order to preserve our African heritage as well as promote African talent to Africa and people worldwide.
The AFA Vision
AFA-AFA’s vision is to be the largest learning platform for all things African and thereby create a euphoric experience that is uniquely African. We essentially aim to create an African renaissance.

Innovative individuals propel businesses forward. Members of AFA-AFA are perpetually creative. You believe that there is always something greater that we can achieve. You are a realist, but you always have a broad perspective.
We are not your average organisation. You are aware of our website and our accomplishments. You have also observed that we offer something that others do not. We are not seeking individuals who dodge challenges. You must always consider inventive solutions to problems and contribute them. You constantly have original ideas that may appear a little wild, but you are confident that they will produce the best results.
You are always truthful with your coworkers. I believe that honesty is the best policy because it demonstrates dependability.
You are aware that we are capable of extraordinary heights. You believe we are not average. You perpetually strive to realise your full potential and never settle for less. You are an optimist and reject negativity.
You are capable of collaborating and listening to the ideas of your team. You are able to both command and follow.
You value excellence over quantity. You always do your absolute best to submit your finest work on time. You take time and go above and beyond in your task.
We believe in the saying ‘No retreat, no surrender’. Members of the team must possess confidence. We will advocate for issues that AFA advocates for, as well as run with our principles and never retreat. You cannot avoid facing a challenge. Be Bold!
Our Topics
We do not address every problem in Africa. We are not impassioned about every interest shared by others. It is impossible to resolve all issues and discuss all topics. Therefore, there are certain topics/issues that we discuss that, in our opinion, are ubiquitous in African nations and cause for concern. If you decide to apply, you will not be able to introduce a new issue to advocate for; instead, you will concentrate on resolving one of these issues, for which you should be passionate.
Girl-Child Education
Climate Change
Lack of Education
Xenophobia / Afrophobia
Lack of Exposure of African Talent
African History (Strictly relating to Kingdoms, Kings, Queens, and inventions)
Who we used to be … before AFA-AFA
Before AFA-AFA was AFA-AFA, it was a small website I had started at the age of 15 years old, called Teen Tate, which stood for The Alliance for Teen Excellence. Teen Tate was an organization that aimed to enlighten others about Racism, Xenophobia and Tribalism. Three issues that torment our world today. It also aimed to create a bridge of understanding and friendship between West Africans and South Africans living in South Africa. This website focused solely on the issues of Xenophobia, Racism and Tribalism.
It also addressed other issues such as poverty, femicide, representation of Africa in the media, African upliftment and finally African history. I wanted Teen Tate to serve as a place where teenagers were able to find solace and comfort separate from the harsh world they lived in. It was meant to be a place where West Africans living outside of their country could find friendship and not hatred in South Africa, where teenagers could openly discuss their beliefs and issues (tribalism, xenophobia, and racism) and contribute their thoughts and solutions in order to try and solve these issues.
It has now morphed into this organisation AFA-AFA, and I hope you all love it as much as I do.