Get ready to visit your ancestral realm.

It is time to educate ourselves about our modern-day kings and queens who fought for the independence of Africa. From the leaders who sought to establish Biafra to those who fought for freedom during apartheid, we will journey into our recent past to learn about these icons.
Below are three incredible African leaders who fought injustice and believed in a strong Africa. We included W.E.B Du Bois, an American activist whose works were revolutionary.
To learn about additional Pan-Africanist African Leaders, click the button below.
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TOPICS : African Queens and Kingdoms
Must Watch Educational AFA-AFA Film & Shows

Wade in the Water & Something Inside So Strong - The Spirituals
Spirituals are a genre of devotional folk songs that originated during the 18th and 19th centuries among enslaved African Americans in the United States. These hymns served as a form of cultural and spiritual resistance against slavery and oppression within the African American community.
Spirituals originated from an amalgamation of African musical traditions, Christian hymns, and African American oral traditions. Incorporating their own experiences and emotions, enslaved Africans frequently incorporated biblical stories and motifs into their music. Spirituals frequently conveyed messages of faith, liberation, and desire for independence.
THE SPIRITUALS perform two of their most popular songs, 'Wade in the Water’ and ‘Something Inside So Strong’ feat Annatoria & Ché Kirah
Please listen as you explore the page.
Take some time … to be educated

Hint: It may not be Columbus
It is alleged that Africans discovered America long before America's national hero Christopher Columbus's 'discovery of Europe’.
This type of history has been omitted in favor of fabrications designed to elevate others. It is beneficial for us to understand the true history of Africans and what they discovered.
Who actually discovered America?
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Learn more about the ancient African Empires, African Kings and Queens!
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