Pan-Africanist Leaders

Pan-Africanism is a massively popular ideology centered on the unity of Africans, whether they are Africans from Africa, Africans from the diaspora, or African Americans. According to, it is the belief that Africans of African descent have common interests and should be unified.

Throughout modern African history, there have been leaders who rose to the occasion and fought for the continent. They believed in a free Africa, a continent capable of greatness and excellence. Several of these leaders fought against oppression and made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our liberty. It is critical for us to remember who they are. We are Africa's activist generation, and it is critical that we learn from those who have come before us.

We have included a cross-section of Pan-Africanist Leaders from Africa, America, and the diaspora on this page.

All articles are written by Jaysen Musonza and edited by Kamdi Okonjo

USA Kamdi Okonjo USA Kamdi Okonjo

Molefi Kete Asante

Molefi Asante : “As a people, our most cherished and valuable achievements are the achievements of spirit. With an Afrocentric spirit, all things can be made to happen; it is the source of genuine revolutionary commitment”

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USA Kamdi Okonjo USA Kamdi Okonjo

Malcolm X

Malcolm X : “A race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own selfhood, it can never fulfill itself.”

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